// HANDLE BLOG ARTICLE DELETION ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* We will handle blog deletion if requested - this can only be triggered by the blog owner, or by an administrator. */ if (isset($_GET["rm"])) { if ($thisUserID == me("id") || me("is_administrator") || me("is_superadministrator")) { /* We will throw the blog article and all the related blog comments */ myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]blogs` WHERE `id`='{$thisArticleID}' LIMIT 1"); myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]comments` WHERE `relative`='{$thisArticleID}' AND `type`='blog'"); _fnc("reload", 0, "?L=blogs.browse"); } } ////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_GET["id"]) && is_numeric($_GET["id"])) { // HANDLE DELETE REQUEST ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_GET["delete"])) { if ($thisUserID == me("id") || me("is_administrator") || me("is_superadministrator")) myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]inkspot` WHERE `id`='{$_GET["delete"]}'"); } /////////////////////////////////////////// // HANDLE BLOG ARTICLE DELETION ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* We will handle blog deletion if requested - this can only be triggered by the blog owner, or by an administrator. */ if (isset($_GET["rm"])) { if ($thisUserID == me("id") || me("is_administrator") || me("is_superadministrator")) { /* We will throw the blog article and all the related blog comments */ myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]inkspot` WHERE `id`='{$thisTopicID}' LIMIT 1"); _fnc("reload", 0, "?L=inkspot.index"); } }