There are two types of tools for Group Finder in World of Warcraft
Wednesday, August 17th 2022, 8:54 AM; 85; 0; +0 | 0 | -0
There are two types of tools for Group Finder in World of Warcraft, automatic or LFG, and manual Finder manual. Both are used to form a team for endgame content however, LFG will automatically select randomly selected players who are also being queued. This is possible for Normal, Heroic and Timewalking dungeons .
It also includes the most basic difficulty of raiding, Looking for Raid (LFR). Blizzard has declared that cross-faction play in the automatic group finder is not available. The LFG tool will only look for players belonging to exactly the same faction. It could change at a later date however for the moment there are no groups assembled manually cross-faction.
Despite automatic LFG not being cross-faction and the consequent queue-times probably remaining unchanged, it's much easier to locate groups using the manual Group Finder tool.
The majority of endgame content, especially challenging tasks such as Mythic dungeons as well as Normal, Heroic, and Mythic World of Warcraft raiding will be available to cross-faction. Leaders will be able to decide whether or not to allow viewing of applicants from the opposite faction, this will likely increase the number of people signing to join that group.
Arguably the life-blood for World of Warcraft content, more challenging dungeons or raids will be far more available to all as, currently some premade groups are known to sputter out because there aren't enough players willing to join.
Removing the barrier between players who just want the same content will hopefully increase the excitement in the PvE gameplay. Although faction identities are an integral element of the game experience for the vast majority of players, Blizzard appears to have realized that isolating a portion of the player base from other can only serve to hinder the game in the longer term.
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