One of the areas in which players can explore is The Hellfire Citadel dungeon. It is the home base of the fel ogres in the Outland. There are three instances within Hellfire Citadel. The third one, The Shattered Halls, is recommended for players who have reached level 70 or greater. However, The Shattered Halls can only be obtained after completing an questline to earn The Shattered Halls Key. This guide will guide players how to get The Shattered Halls key in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade WOTLK Classic.
Begin the quest by traveling through Shadowmoon Valley in the Outland. Smith Gorlunk, a fel orc, can be found on the outskirts of Shadowmoon Valley by the Black Temple. Kill Smith Gorlunk for an Primed Key Mold. The Primed Key Mold must be activated for the first time in the questline to retrieve the key for The Shattered Halls. The remainder of the questline is different based on the faction of the character.
Horde players need to bring players with the Primed Key Mold to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in the Hellfire Peninsula. Nazgrel invites players to talk with the Master Blacksmithing teacher, Rohok. Rohok is asking players to collect materials to help him forge The Shattered Halls key: four Fel Iron Bars 2 Arcane Dust, and four Motes of Fire. Once players have gathered these resources, visit Rohok. Rohok tries to forge The Shattered Halls key but the attempt fails. Rohok gives players an unfired Key Mold to sink into the corpse of an Fel Reaver. Players need to travel into this Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula and place to place the Unfired Key Mold on its remains, creating a new item known as the Charred Key Mold. You can bring the Charred Key Mold back to Rohok for the opportunity to obtain The Shattered Halls Key.
If players have chosen to play an Alliance character, they'll be required to follow a different path to retrieve the key to this Burning Crusade dungeon. The first step is to bring their Primed Key Mold to Force Commander Danath Trollbane in Honor Hold. The commander will direct players toward the Master Blacksmith Trainer known as Dumphrey. Dumphrey will ask the identical request as Rohok to Rohok: four Fel Iron Bars and two Arcane Dust, and four Motes of Fire. The return of the resources to Dumphrey will result in players being granted the Unfired Key Mold, which players have to plunge into the body of a Reaver Fel in order to make a Charred Key Mold. Bring the item back to Dumphrey and receive The Shattered Halls key in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade WOTLK Classic.
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