World of Warcraft's planet of Azeroth is protected by dragons
Friday, August 5th 2022, 6:33 AM; 107; 0; +0 | 0 | -0
Darion founded the Knights of the Ebon Blade comprised of death knights who reclaimed their freedom by sheer force of will, and whose knowledge of the Scourge would prove vital for the living. Death knights could aid their fellow members of the Horde or Alliance using their formidable frozen, bloody, and holy magic to destroy their adversaries.
World of Warcraft's planet of Azeroth is protected by dragons, ancient and magical creatures that represent aspects of the planet they inhabit. The Aspect of Magic, Malygos the Spell-Weaver and his ilk, Blue Dragons have guarded Azeroth's precious magic for time unimaginable. Malygos was instilled by Titans with incredible power and knowledge of the intricate network of arcane energy which is the lifeblood of the planet, leylines spread all throughout the country like capillaries and connect at his cave, The Nexus.
But despite his immeasurable insight and wisdom Malygos heart had become twisted over the eons of his existence. The great blue dragon believed that all the troubles in Azeroth were caused by mortals and their reckless usage of magic. He believed that dragons were required to eliminate all creatures that believed they were worthy of using the arcane.
Chief among his targets were the mages of the Kirin Tor, located in the city of Dalaran that was now atop Northrend to assist in Azeroth's struggle against the Lich King. Then came the Nexus War, and Malygos' plan to redirect all arcane energy from rest of the world into the Nexus, effectively draining the entire world of arcane energy. The Azeroth's crust was then forced to fall apart and buckle and the threat of world extinction forced the other dragonflights in the area to intervene.
The red, bronze and green dragons joined forces with the Kirin Tor to stop Malygos' insanity. Alextrasza the Life-Binder who was the queen of Red dragons had no choice but to take her brother's life for good, while assisting mortal heroes take down the once-magnificent Spell-Weaver. There was a rift in the Nexus War. Nexus War ended, but without a leader the blue dragons were a mess, and Azeroth didn't have an aspect of Magic to protect it.
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