There are a few options for starting this quest
Saturday, July 30th 2022, 6:27 AM; 154; 0; +0 | 0 | -0
At level 90 you unlock the redwood tree which are , hands down, the top Woodcutting and AFK XP on the market. With XP rates ranging from 55.000 through 75.000. they are still considerably slower than 2 ticking or even regular teaks . However, they offer a much more relaxing way of learning while still generating revenue. Based on the 20.232 redwood logs that you'll need to cut down to earn 99 Woodcutting it is possible to make up to 6.500.000 GP.
There are a few options for starting this quest. It is possible to either teleport to Draynor and head Southeast or enter straight toward your Lumbridge Swamp. Afterwards, navigate to northwest section of the swamp. There you will find an archer, a Wizard or an Archer and A Monk and an Archer, a Monk and Warrior in a campfire. Conversations should be initiated by the warrior. Here is the dialogue options to choose from in order:
"What is it that you're camped out here for?"
"Who's Zanaris?"
"If it's secret, how are trying to locate it?"
"Looks that you may not either"
Following the final option the man becomes angry and inadvertently reveals that he is a Leprechauns that are hiding in the nearby tree. He also says that you need to inquire on Zanaris whereabouts.
"Chop" in place in place of "Chop down."
Afterwards, head west and find a tree that is oddly, instead of "Chop-down" is the only "Chop" possibility. Leprechaun named Shamus will pop out after your click. Once you ask him about Zanaris whereabouts, the leprechaun will ask you to get involved with Dramen staff. The cutting of a tree within the Entrana Dungeon is required in order to acquire this.
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