Mate abilities will also be 1.12. Some casual guilds already awakened with firemaw over BWL. AQ40 is a entirely different raid and even though my pserver encounter was tougher, mechanics on a struggle such as c'thun where you've got to all walk in the boss fight room at precisely the exact same time and spread all 40 members out so without one person actually messing this up. If you don't it will probs wipe the raid cause of a laser he shoots that does large dmg and chains into a person if you are close enough. It can literally chain all over the raid and using a fight as long as it is, poor healers will show themselves at AQ40.
Yes the health and dmg is def down from pservers (along without a progressive itemization) but sure boss mechanisms are still only gonna wipe guilds that aren't organized. It will be steamrolled by guilds like Progress but they're the minority. Idk why people are taking a look at top guilds completing things, typical player on WOW WoTLK Classic isn't good. That's the best thing that has come from WOW WoTLK Classic. Now people are able to shut up about WOW WoTLK Classic being"soooooo much more difficult" and how contemporary raids are sooooo easy in comparison.
They shouldn't have had an excuse before WOW WoTLK Classic was released. It isn't hard to google Ragnaros kill videos from first vanilla, and determine how many people were actually standing still the whole fight, spamming one skill. That's it. Stand mash one button till supervisor is dead. Unbelievable mechanics for the ending boss. It is baffling how folks kept arguing that modern raids were not much harder than vanilla raids.
This. WOW WoTLK Classic surely has some highpoints, but raiding and problem is not it. The"difficult" levelling is only some extra tedium. Instead of grabbing once such as in retail, you only catch 2 at once and moreover you drink between each pull. When you pull too many mobs? You are lifeless in both retail and WOW WoTLK Classic. Difficult raid were another fantasy, brought on by imperfect and nostalgia memories. Many people remembered fighting with vanilla raid, while turning keyboard and using soul gear on warrior"because it helps regenerate health". WOW WoTLK Classic community tries to downplay it today, but there have been people on r/WoW asserting how vanilla raids were super hard.
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