To make Runescape Burial Armor it is required to need a hammer
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Burial Armor is an ancient dwarf armor that is made at the Artisans' Workshop located in the southeast corner of Falador. According to the Dwarf Suak the dwarfs are believed to bury their deceased in the armor. Burial Armor constructed of Grade I ingots are for miners and Grade II ingots to warriors as well as Grade III ingots to make the smiths' burial armor.
It's among the most efficient methods of getting expertise in smithing. This is because it gives the highest smithing experience during the game. However, the armor you build will be of no value. This method can be quite costly and without reward, but it gives you a great experience. If you're looking for a reference on armor that will actually have use in Runescape check out our guide on Best Non-degradable Armor in Runescape.
The player will need to travel to The Artisans Workshop to make the burial armor. To locate the Artisans workshop, take a look around its southeast side of Falador. On the eastern side of the workshop there's a dwarf Suak will be on an elevated platform near the anvils. You can ask him to show you how to create it. He'll summon another dwarf Sten to teach you the technique in the form of a cut scene. If you weren't paying attention to him, then ask him again.
When Sten will demonstrate to you, Suak will tell you which armor piece to make. If you can follow his will require, you'll receive bonus exp to reward you. If Suak's armor item is changed, go to the anvil, pick that armor piece, then continue your work.
To make Runescape Burial Armor it is required to need a hammer and iron steel, mithril Adamant, or rune. You'll require smithing at least level 30 as that's the minimum required to work with iron ingots. To work with steel, you'll require the level 45 of Smithing. Level 60 for mithril, levels 70 to work with adamant, and level 90 for Runite.
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