Going through the diaries from the past was an expedition inside my RuneScape background; I wrote down accomplishments at levels, new discoveries and misadventures, like my first trip to Varrock. Aware of my low combat experience, and scared of dying in the hands of monsters that are more powerful than myself, I decided to stick to the paths to be safe from the monsters that lurk in the dark areas.
In actual an unwise decision that ended up backfiring as I approached the city's southern gateway and encountered the dark wizards who are sat in the area. (Really isn't it?!) It makes you wonder just what the pay of those Varrock guards make). ...) After I finished my dose of Varrock, I carefully plotted my departure with the hope that I would not be a victim of another murderous snare however, I was greeted with nearly death in the hands of an unidentified highwayman in the vicinity of Port Sarim.
Delving deeper I found Pest Control strategies and how I was able to learn about the RuneScape's famous issue, The Falador Massacre. It was the 5th of June 2006 And Cursed You had just celebrated being the first player ever to reach Level 99 Construction with a celebration in his house owned by the player.
Lag, however, forced him to eliminate everyone. Eventually at the time of leaving, players in the combat ring were able to see that they could, thanks to an unidentified glitch in the Construction skill coding, target anyone , despite not being in the dedicated PvP area. Since the victims weren't able to respond this awe-inspiring incident was recorded in RuneScape history.
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