Larry is situated near the oasis located to the north of the palace. It is situated near the gate to Al-Kharid. He is the one who oversees the fishing tournament and will equip the participant with the fishing gear necessary to participate. However, he will neglect to tell the participant that nothing can be caught in the oasis. Big Dave, a fellow participant in the tournament is a proponent of buying special lure at Ali Morrisane, a merchant located to the east of the oasis.
If you inquire about the bait, Morrisane may agree to offer barter for trade reports from Osman, the spymaster Osman. Make note of the three boxes that Morrisane carries within his stand. Osman could use this info as a security concern.
My Arm the Troll is organising cooking contests and judges for which he demands some thing "exciting," "exotic," and, not surprisingly, "not boring."
In the case where the Cook asserts that his pizza was thrilling but it wasn't exotic enough to My Arm's tastes while the Wise Old Man's fruit was exotic but too simplistic for me The only right course to cook something interesting and exciting would be to combine the two into banana pizza.
Studio Jagex, a game maker Jagex may be well-known for its huge Runescape franchise, however, many might not be aware that the studio has been expanding its services to encompass the realm of publishing and even tabletop gaming.
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