Prior to the weekend before the bxp was announced, Nox Bow was pretty stableand worth 320M. Then, after the announcement, it started to crash a lot, and then ended up falling down to 220M (if I remember it correctly). It then went up back to 300-320Mish.
It could be similar to like what's happening in this instance, it's very possible it'll rise again. However, it's not a guarantee. the items will remain in the game due to more getting added to the game everyday. It's difficult to lose items today and new system currently being developed makes it nearly impossible to lose items to lose items.
So it's reasonable to believe that it will continue to crash. It's the way it is for a RuneScape player. You either invest in the most valuable items once they're expensive and you'll want to use them asap (and eventually lose money over the long haul) or wait for eons for them to go down and buy them at a price that isn't too expensive in the event that they're no more an exclusive.
Check out the Virtus wand + book for example. I paid over 170 million total for mine. Do you know how much they're worth? Wands aren't even worth 20M. I suppose it's helpful to have more powerful wands but before Seismic was released Virtus was already slowing but steadily falling.
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