I'd recommend using Tubby's set-up with magical boots as well as a Ring of Life until you're sure, then start risking a bit more expensive gear. If there is no one in Burstinglobs looking for a solo mage, just ask if anyone is hybridding/tribridding and can let you hop worlds from theirs, easier than having to kill Supreme/Prime to start your trip.
Bring a tortoise. Make sure you've got a brew-to-restore ratio that is 3:1. If you can, bring 2 fruit bat pouches and scrolls for when your tortoise dies, fruit fall is only good for soloing Rex, it's not really efficient if you're hybridding/tribridding.
If you are unable to access fruit bats, then bunyip is the only option, however, it'll limit your travel time since it can only heal around 80 LP per minute. If your trips are too short using the tortoise or bunyip, then you may have to bring Guthans in lieu of Veracs and supplement the healing of your bunyip with Spinolyps.
If you have the Enhanced Excalibur in the Hard Seers Diary, it's also good to use there because this attack could restore 200LP every five minutes and raises defence. When your tortoise has run out of fuel, you'll want to eliminate it and get it out to use the fruits bat.
Ensure you have brews and restores remaining in your inventory to aid in emergency healing i.e. Don't call your bat to fruit if you're completely out of brews and if you lose Rex and it gets ugly. Do not forget to have a one-click teleport for emergencies.
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